I first met Shane Bradley in 2008 when my company was deploying physical security equipment, computer safes, to the National Guards around the country. Shane was the Information Assurance Manager (IAM) for the Wisconsin National Guard in Madison. This was a pivotal position for evaluating and implementing the installation of our products within all the States. So, I was in a unique position to assess the various qualities of each of the IAMs throughout the country. I found Shane to be one of the best, one of the most dedicated, articulate, engaging, knowledgeable and experienced IAMs both within the Guard as well as my other active duty customers.
Our relationship evolved even further when he presented a particular security problem to us requesting a solution over personnel closing but not locking our safes at night. He outlined the problem clearly and succinctly in such a way as to trigger an idea I had been contemplating for some time to alarm the safe lock and door, but, could not connect the dots until I was blessed with his astute input. Over the next year we designed and built the resulting monitor and control system called “SafeGuard”, field testing the first (5) units with Shane’s assistance throughout Wisconsin. Since then it has become a significant contribution to monitoring and securing classified networks globally, and to our overall success as well.
As new vulnerabilities arise from advances in technology and emerging threats, I continue to consult with Shane to this day relying on his vast experience as a practitioner, his attention to detail and knowledge of all aspects of security policy. Shane’s expertise will become even more valuable in the private sector, where cybersecurity and physical security vulnerabilities run rampant without any industry wide standards, except those imposed within any one organization or industry. Critical infrastructures (power, water, hospitals, banking, transportation, etc.), industrial and commercial markets are ripe for talent like Shane’s to deploy much needed “defense in depth” strategies. I know when we expand into the private sector, I will indeed rely on Shane for his guidance and consultative strengths as we move forward.
Shane has sacrificed immeasurably for the defense of our country for many years and will be an invaluable asset to anyone who needs help in defense of our homeland based on his service. It’s an honor to work with men of such caliber and integrity.
Robert. M. Bauman
Founder, President/CEO
Trusted Systems. Inc.